Scholarly Publications
Journal Articles
(In Press) Fiorilli, Patrick. “Video Games Need a Theory of Language.” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. Forthcoming.
(2022) Fiorilli, Patrick. “Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Gods: Reading Night in the Woods through Mark Fisher.” Game Studies. Volume 22, Issue 1. (Link.)
Conference Papers
(2024) Fiorilli, Patrick. “Infiltrating Big Shell: Oil, AI, and ‘Petrogrammatology’ in Metal Gear Solid 2.” Game Studies Panel. 37th Annual Conference of Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) in Dallas, TX. To be delivered.
(2024) Fiorilli, Patrick. “Lasciate Autonomia: On Imaginary Possibilities.” Panel: Theorizing the Narrative Situation. Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) in Montreal, Quebec.
(2023) Fiorilli, Patrick. “Observer Effects: Meaning at the End of the Universe in Outer Wilds.” Game Studies Panel: Diverse Play. 36th Annual Conference of Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) in Tempe, Arizona.
(2020) Fiorilli, Patrick. “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild through the Lens of Italo Calvino's Memo on ‘Lightness.’” Proceedings of the 2020 Digital Games Research Association International Conference. Extended Abstract. (Link.)
(2019) Sherman, Jihan, Takeria Blunt, and Patrick Fiorilli. “Telling the Bees: Designing for Immersion, Mediation, and Ritual.” Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Work-In-Progress Paper. (Link.)
Talks and Guest Lectures
(2022) Panel Moderator. Feeling Extra. Backward Glances Graduate Student Conference. Northwestern University, Department of Radio/Television/Film.
(2022) Speaker. “You Are Standing in an Open Field: Video Games as Language.” Digital Media Talks Series. The Georgia Institute of Technology, Digital Media Program.